Articles, ouvrages et reportages permettant une meilleure compréhension de la discipline et de certains de ses éléments clés.
- Ameel, L. & S. Tani (2012), “Everyday aesthetics in action: Parkour Eyes and the beauty of concrete walls.” Emotion, Space and Society, 5(3).
- Ameel, L. & S. Tani (2012), “Parkour: Creating loose spaces?” Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 94(1), 17-30.
- Angel, J. (2011), “Ciné Parkour: a cinematic and theoretical contribution to the understanding of the practice of parkour.”
- Archer, N. (2010), “Virtual poaching and altered space: reading parkour in French visual culture.” Modern & Contemporary France, 18 (1).
- Atkinson, M. (2009), « Parkour, anarcho-environmentalism, and poiesis. » Journal of sport & social issues.
- Bavinton, N. (2007), « From obstacle to opportunity: Parkour, leisure, and the reinterpretation of constraints. » Annals of leisure research 10.3-4 : 391-412.
- D. Belle, Le Parkour, Intervista, 2010.
- D. Belle & C.Perriere, Le Parkour: Des origines à la pratique, Amphora, 2014.
- Benasso, Sebastiano. « Giardini Govi is our spot! When parkour meets Genoa. » Modern Italy (2015): 1-10.
- Bezanson, R.P. & A. Finklemann (2010), « Trespassory art. » University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 43: 245.
- Brunner, C. (2011), « Nice-looking obstacles: parkour as urban practice of deterritorialization. » Ai & Society 26.2: 143-152.
- Calogirou, C. (1999), « Le parcours ou la conquête acrobatique de l’espace urbain: Entretien avec David Belle, fondateur du groupe Yamakasi », in Ville, école, intégration, n°116, pp.97-112.
- Camoletto, Raffaella Ferrero, Davide Sterchele, and Carlo Genova. « Managing alternative sports: new organisational spaces for the diffusion of Italian parkour. » Modern Italy (2015): 1-13.
- Chow, B.D. (2011) “Parkour and the critique of ideology: Turn-vaulting the fortresses of the city” Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices.
- Clegg, J. L., and T. M. Butryn (2012), « An existential phenomenological examination of parkour and freerunning. » Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 4.3: 320-340.
- Da Rocha, A.J., J.C.P. Morales, S.G Sabino. et al. (2014), “Prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal injuries in parkour.” Arch Budo Sci Martial Art Extreme Sport; 10: 39-42
- Daskalaki, M., A. Stara, and M. Imas, (2008), « The ‘Parkour Organisation’: inhabitation of corporate spaces. » Culture and organization 14.1: 49-64.
- DeMartini, A.L. (2014), « Is parkour a problem? College and university liability for extreme sport activities. » Recreational Sports Journal 38.1: 69-81.
- Fuggle, S. (2008) “Le Parkour: reading or writing the city?” in Rhythms: Essays in French Literature, Thought and Culture (2008): 159-170.
- Fuggle, S. (2008) “Discourses of Subversion: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Capoeira and Parkour.” Dance Research, 26(2)
- Geyh, Paula. (2006), « Urban free flow: a poetics of parkour. » M/C Journal 9.3.
- Gilchrist, P., and B. Wheaton (2011), « Lifestyle sport, public policy and youth engagement: Examining the emergence of parkour. » International journal of sport policy and politics 3.1 (2011): 109-131.
Grabowski, D., and S.D. Thomsen (2015), « Parkour as Health Promotion in Schools: A Qualitative Study on Health Identity. » World Journal of Education 5.3 : p37.
- Guss, N. (2011), « Parkour and the multitude: politics of a dangerous art. » French Cultural Studies 22.1: 73-85.
- Grosprêtre, Sidney, and Romuald Lepers. « Performance characteristics of Parkour practitioners: Who are the traceurs?. » European journal of sport science (2015): 1-10.
- Higgins, J. (2009). “The Revitalization of Space: Freestyle Parkour and Its Audiences.” Theatre Symposium: A Journal of the Southeastern Theatre Conference, 17(1), 113-123.
- Kidder, J.L. (2012), « Parkour, the affective appropriation of urban space, and the real/virtual dialectic. » City & Community 11.3: 229-253.
- Kidder, J.L. (2013). “Parkour: Adventure, Risk, and Safety in the Urban Environment.” Qualitative Sociology.
- Lamb, M.D. (2010) « Negating the negation: The practice of parkour in spectacular city. » Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research 9.1: 6.
- Lamb, M.D. (2011), “Tracing the path of power through the fluidity of freedom: The art of parkour in challenging the relationship of architecture and the body and rethinking the discursive limits of the city.” Diss. Bowling Green State University.
- Lamb, M.D. (2014), « Misuse of The Monument: The art of parkour and the discursive limits of a disciplinary architecture. » Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 1.1: 107-126.
- Lamb, M.D. (2014), « Self and the City: Parkour, Architecture, and the Interstices of the ‘Knowable’City. » Self 10.2.
- Lawson, Peter, « Biomechanics of Parkour: The Vertical Wall-Run Technique » (2015). Undergraduate Honors Theses. Paper 879.
- LeBreton, F., G. Routier, S. Héas, et D. Bodin (2010), « Cultures urbaines et activités physiques et sportives. La sportification du parkour et du street golf comme médiation culturelle », Canadian Review of Sociology, 47(3), pp.293-317
- Lebreton, F. (2010), Cultures urbaines et sportives « alternatives »: socio-anthropologie de l’urbanité ludique, L’Harmattan, Paris.
- Luksch, M. (2009), Tracers Blackbook: Techniken im Parkour Training, ParkourOne.
- Maldonado, G., et al. « Evidence of dynamic postural control performance in parkour landing. » Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (2015): 1-2.
- Marchetti, P.H., et al. (2012), « Differences in Muscular Performance between Practitioners and Non Practitioners of Parkour. » International Journal of Sports Science 2.4: 36-41.
- Marshall, B. (2010), “Running across the rooves of Empire: parkour and the postcolonial city” Modern & Contemporary France, 18(2), pp.157-173
- Merritt, C. J., & I. J. Tharp (2013), “Personality, self-efficacy and risk-taking in parkour (free-running).” Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14, 608-611.
- Miller, J.R., & S. G. Demoiny (2008), “Parkour: A New Extreme Sport and a case Study.” The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 47(1), 63-65
- Mörtenbäck, P. (2005), “Free Running and the Hugged City.” Thresholds: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 30
- Mould, O. (2009), « Parkour, the city, the event. » Environment and planning. D, Society and space 27.4: 738.
- Murray, J.B. (2010), “Knowing obstacles: urban dialogues in parkour practice.” Diss. Central European University.
- Ortuzar, J. (2009), « Parkour or l’art du déplacement: A Kinetic Urban Utopia. » The Drama Review 53.3: 54-66.
- Puddle, D.L., and P.S. Maulder. (2013), « Ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with parkour and traditional drop landing techniques. » Journal of sports science & medicine 12.1: 122.
- Rawlinson, C. & M. Guaralda (2012), “Chaos and creativity of play : designing emotional engagement in public spaces.” In Out of Control : 8th International Conference on Design and Emotion, 11-14 September 2012, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London.
- Rawlinson, C., and M Guaralda (2011), « Play in the city: Parkour and architecture. »: In The First International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Designing and Developing the Built Environment for Sustainable Wellbeing, 27-29 April 2011, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
- Saville, S.J. (2008), « Playing with fear: parkour and the mobility of emotion. » Social & cultural geography 9.8: 891-914.
- Stagi, Luisa. « Crossing the symbolic boundaries: parkour, gender and urban spaces in Genoa. » Modern Italy (2015): 1-11.
- Standing, Regan J. & Peter S. Maulder, (2015) A Comparison of the Habitual Landing Strategies from Differing Drop Heights of Parkour Practitioners (Traceurs) and Recreationally Trained Individuals. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (14), 723 – 731.
- Stapleton, S. & S.Terrio (2012), “Le Parkour: Urban Street Culture and the Commoditization of Male Youth Expression.” International Migration, 50(6), 18.
- Taylor, J.E.T., J. Witt, and M. Sugovic. (2011), “When walls are no longer barriers: Perception of wall height in parkour.” Perception.
- Thomson, D. (2008), “Jump city: parkour and the traces”, South Atlantic Quarterly, 107(2), pp.251-263.
- Wallace, M. (2014), “Determining the social and psychological reasons for the emergence of parkour and free running–an interpretive phenomenological analysis.” Diss. University of Salford.
- Wanke, E. M., et al. (2013), « Parkour-art of movement and its injury risk » Sportverletzung Sportschaden: Organ der Gesellschaft fur Orthopadisch-Traumatologische Sportmedizin 27.3: 169-176.
- Witfeld, J. & I.E. Gerling (2011), The Ultimate Parkour and Freerunning: Discover Your Possibilities, Meyer Sports.